Site Plan

The plan which is perfect.



The Frangipani is most fragrant at night. They have carried complex symbolic significance for over two millenia. They have been associated with deities representing life and fertility.
Plot area 608.69 sqm (6551.88 sqft)
Built up area 515.84 sqm (5552.45 sqft)


The Margarida has astringent properties and has been used in herbal medicine. In ancient Rome, the surgeons who accompanied Roman legions into battle would order their slaves to pick sacks full of these flowers in order to extract their juice.
Plot area 643.73 sqm (6929.05 sqft)
Built up area 495.13 sqm (5329.53 sqft)



Zinnias are popular garden flowers because they come in a wide range of colors and shapes and hence have a tendency to attract Butterflies and humming birds.
Plot area 661.52 sqm (7120.54 sqft)
Built up area 546.09 sqm (5878.06 sqft)



Everyone loves Lilies with large, showy blooms. Lilies add striking elegance to the yard and garden from early to mid Summer. Lilies are a group of flowering plants which are Important in culture and literature.
Plot area 602.01 sqm (6479.98 sqft)
Built up area 485.93 sqm (5230.50 sqft)



This tight compact shrub is much branched and tolerates hard Pruning making it ideal for formal hedges. The flowers, leaves, roots and the stem are used to treat various ailments in Ayurveda and in various folk medicines.
Plot area 641.94 sqm (6909.78 sqft)
Built up area 495.13 sqm (5329.53 sqft)



Jasmim is immensely fragrant and is cultivated commercially for domestic and industrial usage, such as the perfume industry. It is used in rituals like marriages, religious ceremonies and Festivals.
Plot area 765.68 sqm (8241.71 sqft)
Built up area 498.27 sqm (5363.33 sqft)



The recorded history of Calendulas begin with the Aztecs in Mexico. Calendulas are used as color edging along flower beds and walkways. They release chemicals into the soil killing Nematodes that cause root knot.
Plot area 588.36 sqm (6333.05 sqft)
Built up area 528.00 sqm (5683.34 sqft)



Flowers are the most beautiful things given to us by nature. They are varied in color and type. One such flower is Hibiscus. A paste of Hibiscus mixed with lukewarm milk can help to relax the mind and trigger good sleep
Plot area 686.34 sqm (7387.70 sqft)
Built up area 466.19 sqm (5018.03 sqft)



The Buganvilla is a stunning flower which is a favourite to many who have fallen in love with its cheery appearance and bright colored petals. The symbolic meaning of Buganvilla is a sign of welcoming visitors and beauty.
Plot area 758.29 sqm (8162.16 sqft)
Built up area 618.35 sqm (6655.86 sqft)